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Landelijk Netwerk Mathematische Besliskunde

Course CGOR: Cooperative Games with Applications to OR

Time: Monday 15.15 – 17.00.
In case there is a shared lunch, this shifts to 16.00-17.45.
Period: November 21 - December 19 (2022) and January 30 - February 27 (2023)
Location varies per week: All LNMB courses are on the Campus Utrecht Science Park.

January 30 : Buys Ballot building, room 017
February 6 : Buys Ballot building, room 007
February 13 : David de Wied building, room 1.22
February 20 : Minnaert building, room 013
February 27 : Buys Ballot building, room 079

Details about online facilities for students follow upon registration.

Lecturer: Prof.dr. P.E.M. Borm (Tilburg University).

Course description:
Game theory studies interactive decision situations involving conflict and/or cooperation. In cooperative games binding agreements are allowed and the players may form coalitions. The focus is on the question how to reallocate the resulting joint coalitional payoff among the players in a fair way.
The following subjects are discussed:
- Games in characteristic form (TU games).
- Shapley value, compromise value and nucleolus.
- Core concepts.
- Convexity and compromise stability and claims games.
- Applications of duality theorems: balanced games and linear production games.
- OR games: minimum cost spanning tree games and sequencing games.

Lecture notes will be provided.

Basic knowledge of analysis and linear algebra.

Take home problems.

Address of the lecturer:
Prof.dr. P.E.M. Borm
Department of Econometrics & Operations Research, Tilburg University, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg.
Phone: 013 - 4663026.