Ingeborg Bikker
University of Twente
Supervisor R.J.
Boucherie, M. Van Houdenhoven
Title Online capacity
planning for rehabilitation treatment
Abstract We study an online
capacity planning problem in which arriving patients require a series of
appointments with therapists of several disciplines, within a certain access
research is motivated by a study of rehabilitation planning practices at the
Sint Maartenskliniek (SMK) hospital. In practice, the prescribed treatments
and activities are typically planned in the first available time slots,
leaving no space for urgent patients who require a series of appointments at
short notice. This leads to cancellations of appointments or long access
times for urgent patients, which have a negative effect on the quality of
care and on patient satisfaction.
objective of our research is to plan capacity for the appointment series of a
patient at the moment of his or her arrival, in such a way that the total
number of requests planned within their required access time is maximized. We
formulate this problem as a Markov decision process that takes into account
the current state of already planned capacity, and predicted future arrivals.
An approximate dynamic programming approach is used to obtain approximate
Nardo Borgman
University of Twente
Supervisor Erwin Hans, Richard Boucherie
Title Appointment
scheduling with unscheduled arrivals and reprioritization
Abstract Appointment
scheduling is a well studied problem in the literature. Inspired by the real
life problem of a radiology department in a Dutch hospital, we study the
problem of scheduling appointments, taking into account unscheduled arrivals
and reprioritization. The radiology department offers CT diagnostics to both
scheduled and unscheduled patients. Of these unscheduled patients, some must
be seen immediately, while others may wait for some time. Herein a trade-off
is sought between acceptable waiting times for appointment patients and
unscheduled patients' lateness. In this paper we propose a model to calculate
the performance of a given appointment schedule in terms of waiting time and
lateness. Also we propose a constructive and local search heuristic that
embeds this model and optimizes the schedule. In addition we present
computational results using instances from the case study in the Dutch
hospital. These results show a considerable decrease of waiting time is
possible for scheduled patients, while still treating unscheduled patients on
Sem van Brummelen
University of Twente
Supervisor Nico van Dijk
Title Time dependent
waiting time computation at Dutch blood collection sites.
Abstract The
Dutch blood bank, Sanquin, collects blood from donors on a non-remunerated
basis. It is therefore important to keep waiting times as short as possible.
Standard analytic models to calculate waiting times, use some form of steady
state distribution. If arrivals are nicely spread out over the day, this
would be reasonably justified. But, as Dutch blood collection sites allow
free walk ins, the arrival process of donors is highly time dependent. Peaks
in arrival patterns show up early in the morning, around noon and just before
dinner time. Accurately approximating waiting times is especially important
during these peak times. A transient rather than steady state approach is
therefore required.
Anne Buijsrogge
University of Twente
Supervisor Pieter-Tjerk de Boer, Werner
Title On the
state-independent change of measure for the G|G|1 tandem queue
Abstract Rare
event simulation has been of interest for more than two decades and is, for
example, of interest in telecommunication. In importance sampling the rare
event is made less rare by changing the underlying probability distribution.
This is called a change of measure. In this talk I will discuss the
state-independent change of measure for the G|G|1 tandem queue as proposed by
Parkeh and Walrand in 1989. In the G|G|1 tandem queue, the rare event of our
interest is the probability to reach the level N in a busy cycle. For the
M|M|1 tandem queue it has been shown previously that the change of measure
proposed by Parekh and Walrand is not necessarily asymptotically efficient.
By considering specific sample paths, we will provide necessary conditions
for a change of measure for the G|G|1 tandem queue to be asymptotically
Supervisor Bert Zwart, Michel
Title Rare event
analysis and efficient simulation for a multi-dimensional ruin problem
Abstract We
look at large deviations of multivariate stochastic processes, in particular,
we consider the event that both components of a bivariate stochastic process
ever simultaneously exceed some large level; a leading example is that of two
Markov fluid queues driven by the same background process ever reaching some
large level u. Exact analysis being prohibitive, we resort to asymptotic
techniques and efficient simulation. The first result we present concerns
various expressions for the decay rate of the probability of interest, which
are valid under Gärtner-Ellis-type conditions. The second result is an
importance-sampling-based rare-event simulation technique for the bivariate
Markov modulated fluid model, which is capable of asymptotically efficiently
estimating the probability of interest. We illustrate this with a number of
numerical experiments.
Fabio Cecchi
Eindhoven University of Technology
Supervisor Sem
Borst, Johan van Leeuwaarden
Title CSMA Networks
in a Many-Sources Regime: A Mean-Field Approach
Abstract With
the rapid advance of the Internet of Everything, both the number of devices
and the range of applications that rely on wireless connectivity show huge
Driven by these pervasive trends, wireless networks grow in size and
complexity, supporting immense numbers of nodes and data volumes, with highly
diverse traffic profiles and performance requirements. While well-established
methods are available for evaluating the throughput of persistent sessions
with saturated buffers, these provide no insight in the delay performance of
flows with intermittent packet arrivals. The occurrence of empty buffers in
the latter scenario results in a complex interaction between activity states
and packet queues, which severely complicates the performance analysis. Motivated
by these challenges, we develop a mean-field approach to analyze buffer
contents and packet delays in wireless networks in a many-sources regime.
The mean-field behavior simplifies the analysis of a large-scale network with
packet arrivals and buffer dynamics to a low-dimensional fixed-point
calculation for a network with saturated buffers. In particular, the analysis
yields explicit expressions for the buffer content and packet delay
distribution in terms of the fixed-point solution.
Extensive simulation experiments demonstrate that these expressions provide
highly accurate approximations, even for a fairly moderate number of sources.
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Supervisor Albert P.M.
Wagelmans, Remy Spliet
Title A
branch-and-cut algorithm for the Time Window Assignment Vehicle Routing
Abstract The Vehicle Routing
Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is the problem of routing vehicles such
that deliveries are made at minimum cost, taking predefined time windows and
vehicle capacity into account. We consider a generalization of the VRPTW in
which customer demand is no longer deterministic, but randomly drawn from a
finite set of scenarios. Furthermore, we allow changing the (endogenous) time
windows, but only before the demand scenario becomes known. Each
endogenous time window is required to be within the client specific exogenous
time window. This generalization is called the Time Window Assignment Vehicle
Routing Problem (TWAVRP) and is recently introduced in the literature.
the best of our knowledge, the TWAVRP has only been solved to optimality by
formulating it as a set-partitioning type problem and solving it by a
branch-price-and-cut algorithm. Using this algorithm, instances up to 25
customers and three demand scenarios can be solved within one hour of
computation time. In this paper we use a different formulation and solve the
TWAVRP using a branch-and-cut algorithm. Numerical experiments show that for
all test-instances the new algorithm is superior to the branch-price-and-cut
algorithm in the literature, and an average speedup factor of over 180 is
achieved. We show that a significant part of this speedup can be attributed
to the use of precedence inequalities, novel valid inequalities that we
introduce specifically for the TWAVRP. Tests on larger instances show that
with the new algorithm, instances up to 35 customers and three demand
scenarios can be solved to optimality within one hour of computation time.
Supervisor P.E.M. Borm
Title Decomposition
of Network Communication Games
Abstract Using
network control structures this paper introduces network communication games
as a generalization of vertex games and edge games corresponding to
communication situations and studies their decomposition into unanimity
games. We obtain a relation between the dividends of the network
communication game and the underlying transferable utility game, which
depends on the structure of the undirected graph. This relation extends the
computational results for cycle-free networks to general undirected graphs
and is used to derive new characterizations of the Myerson value and the
position value. Moreover, network communication games also allow to consider
the vertices and the edges of the graph as players simultaneously, leading to
a new network value.
Supervisor Frits Spieksma
Title Balanced
Optimization with Vector Costs
Abstract We
consider so-called balanced optimization problems with vector costs. We
propose a framework containing such problems; this framework allows us to
investigate the complexity and approximability of these problems in a general
setting. More concrete, each problem in the framework admits a
2-approximation, and for many problems within the framework this result is
best-possible, in the sense that having a polynomial-time algorithm with a
performance ratio better than 2 would imply P=NP. Special attention is paid
to the balanced assignment problem with vector costs.
Eindhoven University of Technology
Supervisor Erjen Lefeber, Ivo
Title Optimization of
fixed-time traffic light control and lane markings at isolated intersections
When a traffic intersection is designed, this design is usually based on the
forecasted demands at the intersection in the upcoming years. Typically the
current demands are estimated or counted and some growth factor is applied to
estimate the future demands. An important problem in the design of a traffic
intersection is deciding what lane-use arrows to use for each lane at the
intersection. These lane-use-arrows indicate what movements are allowed at
that specific lane, e.g., should there be one or two lanes permitting a
left-turn movement? It is desirable to choose these lane-use-arrows so that
the maximum sustainable growth factor is as large as possible; the time
period during which the intersection can handle the amount of traffic that
arrives at it is then as large as possible. To this end, a mixed-integer
programming problem is formulated using the cycle periodicity formulation of
Nachtigall [1]. This optimization problem chooses the lane-use-arrows such
that the growth factor is maximized. Besides optimizing the lane-use-arrows
it also optimizes the pre-time traffic control, i.e., it returns a signal
group schedule. Such a signal group schedule visualizes when each of the
traffic-lights have a green, yellow and red indication. The optimization
returns a signal group schedule that can handle the forecasted demands for
the maximized growth factor.
[1] K. Nachtigall. A branch and cut
approach for periodic network
van Heeswijk
University of Twente
Supervisor Martijn Mes, Marco
Title An Approximate
Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Delivery Dispatching Problem
address the dispatch decision faced by an urban consolidation center. The
center receives orders according to a stochastic order arrival process, and
dispatches orders for the last-mile distribution in batches. The operator of
the center aims to find the cost-minimizing consolidation policy, depending
on inventory at hand, pre-announced orders, and stochastic arrivals. We
formulate this problem as a variant of the Delivery Dispatching Problem that
includes dispatch windows, and formulate it as a Markov model. For toy-sized
instances, we solve this model to optimality. Larger instances have an
intractably large state space, outcome space, and action space. We describe
an Approximate Dynamic Programming (ADP) algorithm that can handle such
instances. Value function approximation is used to estimate the downstream
costs. To handle large action spaces, we formulate an integer linear program
to be used within our ADP algorithm. Through numerical experiments, we show
for small instances that we closely approximate the optimal values. To
evaluate the performance of our ADP policies for larger instances, we test
against various benchmark policies, including a policy based on scenario
sampling. Particularly when the dispatch problem offers sufficient flexibility
in dispatch times, ADP clearly outperforms the benchmark policies.
Pim van der Hoorn
University of Twente
Supervisor Nelly Litvak
Title Phase transition
for average number of erased edges in directed con
figuration model
Abstract Models for
generating directed simple graphs are important for the analysis of
real-world networks. One such model is the directed erased con
figuration model. Here each node is first assigned a number of outgoing and
incoming stubs. Then outgoing stubs are paired with a incoming stub, selected
uniformly at random from among all available stubs to create and edge.
Afterwards, all self loops are removed and all multiple edges between nodes
are merged.
is clear that this removal step alters the degrees, which can give rise to
finite size effects. Still, when stubs are sampled according to an i.i.d.
procedure from some given distributions, it is well know that the empirical
degree distributions of the resulting graph convergence to the original ones
as the size of the graph goes to infinity. However, the exact speed of this
convergence, or the finite size effect of the removal of edges on other
processes has remain unknown.
this talk I give a first characterization of the speed of convergence, by
providing upper bounds for the average number of erased edges, in terms of
the size of the graph. Remarkably, when the degree distributions follow a
power-law, we observe three different scaling regimes, depending on the exponents
of the distributions. These results provide a first crucial step towards
evaluation of finite size effects in networks.
Supervisor Rob van der Mei,
Sandjai Bhulai
Title Throughput and
Bottleneck Analysis of Tandem Queues with Nested Sessions
Abstract Various
types of systems across a broad range of disciplines contain tandem queues
with nested sessions. Strong dependence between the servers has proved to
make such networks complicated and difficult to study. Exact analysis is in
most of the cases intractable. Moreover, even when one is given performance
metrics such as the saturation throughput and the utilization rates of the
servers, determining the limiting factor of such a network can be far from
trivial. In our work, we present a simple, tractable and nevertheless
relatively accurate method for approximating the above mentioned performance
measurements for any server in a given network. In addition, we show how one
can use those values in order to derive a novel metric, which can be used for
bottleneck identification.
David Koops
University of Amsterdam
Supervisor Michel Mandjes, Onno Boxma
Title Levy Tandem Networks in Heavy-Traffic Regimes
Abstract We study the joint
stationary distribution of the workloads in a fluid tandem queue using
heavy-traffic analysis. We consider different types of input, ranging from
compound Poisson to a-stable input, with 1 < a < 2, and Brownian input.
Similar to known single server heavy-traffic results, we find a dichotomy
between finite and infinite variance input processes.
A special feature is that
we do not only consider the usual heavy-traffic regime, in which the load
goes to unity for a particular server, but also a regime in which we increase
the load of both servers to one. It appears that this leads to different
heavy-traffic asymptotics. In a special case it is shown by a simulation
study that the simultaneous heavy-traffic approximation performs better than
the usual heavy-traffic approximation.
of Amsterdam
Supervisor Rudesindo Nunez
Title Routing
policies for a partially observable two-server queueing system
We consider a queueing system controlled by decisions based on partial information. The motivation for this work stems from road traffic, in which drivers may, or may not, be subscribed to a smartphone application for dynamic route planning.
Our model consists of two queues, both operating in a FIFO manner with independent exponential service times, serving two types of jobs. Arrivals occur according to a Poisson process of rate λ; a fraction α of jobs (type X) are observable and controllable. At all times the number of X jobs in each queue and their individual positions are known. Upon its arrival a router decides which queue the next X job should join. Y jobs (fraction 1-α) are non-observable, not even the number of Y jobs in the queues, and non-controllable. They join queue i with static routing probabilities p^Y_i.
We address the following research questions: 1) what penetration level α (percentage of X jobs) is needed for effective control, 2) which policy should be implemented at the router, and 3) what is the added value of having more system information (e.g., average service times and the values of p^Y_i)? We investigate these questions through extensive simulations. This simulation study reveals that for heavily loaded systems a low penetration level suffices and that the performance of a simple policy that relies on little system information is close to the optimal w-JSQ (weighted join-the-shortest-queue policy). The latter result is confirmed by analysis of a dynamical system that approximates the stochastic evolution in heavy traffic.
University of Twente
Supervisor Erwin Hans,
Richard Boucherie, Ingrid Vliegen
Title Histopathology
laboratory operations analysis and improvement
laboratories aim to deliver high quality diagnoses based on patient tissue
samples. Indicators for quality are the accuracy of the diagnoses and the
diagnostic turnaround times. However, challenges exist regarding employee
workload and turnaround times, which both impact the diagnostic quality. We
propose a decomposed planning and scheduling method for the histopathology
laboratory using (mixed) integer linear programming to improve the spread of
workload and reduce the diagnostic turnaround times. First, the batching
problem is considered, in which batch completion times are equally divided
over the day to spread the workload. This reduces the peaks of physical work
available in the laboratory. Thereafter, the remaining processes are scheduled
to minimize the tardiness of orders. Results show that using this decomposed
method, the peaks in histopathology workload in UMC Utrecht, a large
university medical center in the Netherlands, are reduced with up to 50% by
better spreading the workload over the day. Furthermore, turnaround times are
reduced with up to 20% compared to current practices. This approach is
currently being implemented in the histopathology laboratory of UMC Utrecht.
Daphne van Leeuwen
Supervisor Rob van der Mei, Sindo Nunez Queija, Sandjai Bhulai
Title Near-optimal switching strategies for a tandem queue
Motivated by various applications in logistics, road traffic and production management, we investigate two versions of a tandem queueing model in which the service rate of the first queue can be controlled. The objective is to keep the mean number of jobs in the second queue as low as possible, without compromising the total system delay (i.e. avoiding starvation of the second queue). The balance between these objectives is governed by a linear cost function of the queue lengths.
In the first model, the server in the first queue can be either switched on or off, depending on the queue lengths of both queues. This model has been studied extensively in the literature. Obtaining the optimal control is known to be computationally intensive and time consuming. We are particularly interested in the scenario that the first queue can operate at larger service speed than the second queue. This scenario has received less attention in literature. We propose an approximation using an efficient mathematical analysis of a near-optimal threshold policy based on a matrix-geometric solution of the stationary probabilities that enables us to compute the relevant stationary measures more efficiently and determine an optimal choice for the threshold value.
In some of our target applications, it is more realistic to see the first queue as a (controllable) batch-server system. We follow a similar approach as for the first model and obtain the structure of the optimal policy as well as an efficiently computable near-optimal threshold policy.
We illustrate the appropriateness of our approximations using simulations of both models.
Siqiao Li
VU University Amsterdam
Ger Koole
Title Different
Control Policies of Flexible Capacity Allocation for Multi-type Patients in
Radiotherapy Process
Abstract The
re-entrance of cancer patients in radiotherapy treatment phase makes the
process specific and challenging to operation research study. This paper
deals with capacity allocation of the most important resource -- Linear
Accelerators (LINACs) for multi-type patients. Suggested by hospital
managers, we first divided patients into two groups according to the waiting
time target (urgent/ routine), then a static capacity allocation scheme for a
given service level is given. For better use of the capacity, we introduced
flexible capacity allocation schemes, which allowed two patient groups shared
the capacity with some threshold control policy. In the paper, different
control policies and also some classic static priority scheduling polices are
compared considering the performance measurements including the total amount
of capacity needed to reach the service levels, average waiting time and
breaching probability for each patient type and the robustness of the policy.
Our model is based on the 'slot server perspective', which considered the
time slot on the LINACs as server and patients' re-entrance times can be
considered as service time. With the fact that there are multi-types of
patients with various waiting time targets and treatment protocols in each
patient group, the process can be considered as patient dispatching problem
in M/G/s queueing model, leading to no analytical results such as the probability
of waiting time and even average waiting time. Instead, we use simulation and
heuristic algorithm to analyze the system and derive optimal threshold value
for each control policy. The results showed that some control polices
outperform the static priority policies in different aspects, which is very
delightful since these simple polices are more convenient to use in the
University of Technology
Supervisor Bert
Zwart, Johan van Leeuwaarden
Title Capacity allocation in a transient
Abstract Performance
analysis of queueing systems is typically done through its steady-state
distribution and its derivatives. Accordingly, staffing rules rely on these
measures. However, in practice system parameters are rarely constant over
time nor do processes run long enough to reach equilibrium. As a consequence,
allocating capacity based on stationary measures could result in performance
discrepancies. We study a cost minimization problem of a single-server queue
with Levy input, over a finite time horizon, starting out of equilibrium. By
quantifying the impact of the transient phase of the process, we come up with
a correction to the objective function. Subsequently, we show how this novel
approximation results in a staffing rule which is a refinement of the optimal
value in stationarity. Finally, we analyze the associated optimality gap and
determine in which settings our correction is necessary.
Thomas Meyfroyt
Eindhoven University of Technology
Supervisor Sem Borst, Onno Boxma
Title Analysis of Degree-Dependent
Counter-Based Gossip Protocols on Treelike Networks
Abstract In
wireless networks, broadcasting is a basic functionality used to support many
applications, like neighbor discovery, data dissemination, data aggregation
and more. To this end, gossip protocols, have emerged as a reliable approach
to implement broadcast. In particular, the use of counter-based gossiping
schemes has proven to be a powerful technique for implementing highly
scalable and robust services. Such schemes suppress broadcasts by a node, if
the number of broadcasts it has already received exceeds some predefined
threshold. In this presentation we analyze the probability that a node's
broadcast is suppressed during a single broadcasting round when a
degree-dependent counter-based gossiping scheme is used. Specifically, we
analyze the suppression probability of nodes in an infinite tree network,
given the degree distribution of the tree. Furthermore, we propose an
algorithm that determines how to configure the degree-dependent thresholds on
infinite tree networks in order to reach some desired target suppression
probabilities. Lastly, we show that the thresholds generated by the algorithm
also perform remarkably well on finite non-tree networks and are robust to
changes in the node-degree distribution and network topology.
Frans de Ruiter
Tilburg University
Dick den Hertog
Duality in Two-stage Adaptive Linear Optimization: Faster Computation and Stronger Bounds
We derive and exploit duality in general two-stage adaptive linear optimization models. The equivalent dualized formulation we derive is again a two-stage adaptive linear optimization model. Therefore, all existing solution approaches for two-stage adaptive models can be used to solve or approximate the dual formulation. The new dualized model differs from the primal formulation in its dimension and uses a different description of the uncertainty set. We show that the optimal primal affine policy can be directly obtained from the optimal affine policy in the dual formulation. We provide empirical evidence that the dualized model in the context of two-stage lot-sizing on a network and two-stage facility location problems solves an order of magnitude faster than the primal formulation with affine policies. We also provide an explanation and associated empirical evidence that offer insight on which characteristics of the dualized formulation make computations faster. Furthermore, the affine policy of the dual formulations can be used to provide stronger lower bounds on the optimality of affine policies.
Eindhoven University of Technology
Supervisor Ivo Adan,
Johan van Leeuwaarden
Title Approximate performance analysis of generalized join the
shortest queue routing
Abstract We
propose a highly accurate approximate performance analysis of a heterogeneous
server system with a processor sharing service discipline and a general
job-size distribution under a generalized join the shortest queue (GJSQ)
routing protocol. The GJSQ routing protocol is a natural extension of the
well-known join the shortest queue routing policy that takes into account the
non-identical service rates in addition to the number of jobs at each server.
The performance metrics that are of interest here are the equilibrium
distribution and the mean and standard deviation of the number of jobs at
each server. We show that the latter metrics are near-insensitive to the
job-size distribution using simulation experiments. By applying a single
queue approximation we model each server as a single server queue with a
state-dependent arrival process, independent of other servers in the system,
and derive the distribution of the number of jobs at the server. These state-dependent
arrival rates are intended to capture the inherent correlation between
servers in the original system and behave in a rather atypical way.
Matteo Seminaroti
Supervisor Monique Laurent
Title A new simple recognition algorithm for
Robinsonian matrices
Abstract In many applications it is
required to order a given set of objects when the only available information
among the objects is their pairwise similarity (or dissimilarity). Robinsonian
matrices arise in the classical seriation problem and play an important role
in many applications where unsorted similarity (or dissimilarity) information
must be reordered. A Robinson similarity matrix is a symmetric matrix whose
entries increase monotonically along rows and columns when moving towards the
diagonal. A Robinsonian similarity matrix is then a symmetric matrix whose
rows and columns can be permuted obtaining a Robinson similarity matrix.
We present a new simple
recognition algorithm for Robinsonian matrices. Given the equivalence between
the class of unit interval graphs and 0-1 Robinsonian matrices, we extend the
famous 3-sweep algorithm of Corneil for recognizing unit interval graphs. We
introduce a generalization of Lexicographic Breadth-First Search (Lex-BFS)
for weighted graphs, named Similarity First-Search (SFS), and we present a
multisweep polynomial time recognition algorithm based on a series of consecutive
SFS sweeps. The algorithm is extremely simple and, given a symmetric matrix
of size n with m nonzero entries, we show that it returns a Robinson ordering
of the matrix after at most n sweeps.
Berksan Serbetci
University of Twente
Supervisor J. Goseling, R. J. Boucherie
Title On Optimal
Geographical Caching in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
Abstract There
is extreme growth in data traffic over cellular networks and the growth rate
of the demand will increase in the upcoming years such that current and
near-future cellular network architectures will not be able to support it. A
solution to this problem is to replace backhaul capacity with the storage
capacity at small cell access points. Thus, part of the data is stored at the
wireless edge and the backhaul is used only to refresh this partly stored
this work, we investigate optimal geographical caching in heterogeneous
cellular networks. There is a finite available content containing files with
the same size and with different popularities following the Zipf
distribution. There are different types of base stations with different cache
size capacities in the plane. The performance metric is the total hit
probability which is the probability that the user of interest will find the
content that he requires to gather in one of the base stations that he is
covered by. The user of interest is located at an arbitrary location in the
plane and may be covered by a set of different types of base stations or may
not be covered at all. We consider various scenarios for the distribution of
base stations in the plane. We show that the optimal content placement
problem for a new type of base station, when the other types of base stations
use a pre-determined content placement policy, is a convex optimization
problem. We analyze what to cache in the new type of base station and show
how the hit probability evolves as the deployment density of the new type of
base station varies.
J. Starreveld
University of Amsterdam
Supervisor M.M. Mandjes, R.
Title Occupation times
for stochastic processes and applications
this paper we consider a stochastic process {X(t) : t >=0} taking values
on the state space (E,ε) and a partition of the state space E = A u B
into two disjoint regions A,B. We are interested in the occupation time,
denoted by α(t), of state A up to time t, de
noted by

We analyze both the transient and the
asymptotic behavior of the occupation time α(t), the transient behavior
by studying its distribution function and it's double transform. For the
asymptotic behavior we prove a central limit theorem and a large deviations
The motivating examples stem from queueing
theory, storage problems and finance. We discuss in detail the case that the
process X(t) is a spectrally positive Levy process and a spectrally positive
Levy process reflected at its latest infimum. For the first case we establish
a distributional equality between the occupation time of the negative half
plane and the first epoch at which the supremum is attained.
Maastricht University
Supervisor Tobias Harks
Title Uniqueness
of Equilibria in Atomic Splittable Polymatroid Congestion Games
Abstract We
revisit the issue of uniqueness of equilibria in atomic splittable congestion
games. In this class of games there is a finite set of resources and a finite
set of players, and each player is associated with a weight and a collection
of allowable subsets of resources. A strategy for a player is a
(possibly fractional) distribution of the weight over the allowable subsets.
We derive a uniqueness result based on polymatroid theory:
when the strategy space of every player is a bidirectional flow polymatroid,
then equilibria are unique. Bidirectional flow polymatroids are introduced as
a subclass of polymatroids possessing certain exchange properties. We show
that important cases such as base orderable matroids, and therefore gammoids,
transversal matroids and graphic matroids on generalized series-parallel
graphs, can be recovered as a special case of bidirectional flow
On the other hand we show that matroidal set systems are in
some sense necessary to guarantee uniqueness of equilibria: for every atomic
splittable congestion game with at least three players and non-matroidal set
systems per player, there is an isomorphic game having multiple equilibria.
Our results leave a gap between base orderable matroids and general matroids
for which we do not know whether equilibria are unique.
Denise Toenissen
Eindhoven University of Technology
Supervisor Geert-Jan van Houtum, Joachim Arts
Title Maintenance
Location Routing for Train Units
Abstract The
Maintenance Location Routing Problem (MLRP) for Train Units is a problem
where we locate maintenance locations, while also taking the maintenance
routing into account. To our best knowledge, this is a new problem which has
never been thoroughly studied before. We argue that making facility location
and maintenance routing decisions jointly is important for this problem and
study approaches for similar problems in the literature. We identify several
complicating features of a joint approach in the railway environment. The
most important of these is that routing feasibility is more of an issue than
minimizing transportation cost.
suggest methods that deal with all these features simultaneously. The first
method uses the following steps. First, generate feasible routes to possible
candidate facility locations by solving a multi-commodity flow problem for
every train type in a rolling horizon fashion. Second, open candidate
locations by combining feasible location-routes for all train types. Such
combinations can be found by solving a generalization of the hitting set
problem. The second method simplifies the maintenance routing by assuming
there are only two ways to reach the maintenance facility. First, the train
unit reaches the maintenance facility with successful maintenance routing
without any additional costs. Second, the train unit reaches the facility by
deadlocking, with as cost the normal transportation costs and additional cost
associated with the unavailability of the train unit. In a preprocessing
step, in which we consider all possible maintenance routing paths, we
calculate the occurrence probabilities and shortest route deadlock costs of
the second option. This allows us to calculate the expected maintenance
routing costs per train unit to every candidate facility, which can be used
as the 'transportation' costs in a standard uncapacitated facility location
also discuss possible extensions of the problem such as dealing with
unexpected failures, capacity sizing for maintenance locations and a joint
problem where the maintenance routing possibilities are not given, but can be
actively improved.
Konstantin Vandyshev
Delft University of Technology
Supervisor Karen
Aardal, Dion Gijswijt
Title Phase Shifter
Transformer Optimization within Flow Based Market Coupling Methodology
Abstract The
talk is devoted to an optimization procedure which uses Phase Shifter
Transformers (PST) within the scope of the Flow Based (FB) Market Coupling
(MC) methodology in the power system management. The goal of optimization is
to increase the available capacity for energy exchange per border in a
certain direction. The advantage of the FB MC environment is its ability to
easily identify the most relevant branch flow constraints, that limit the
transportation of energy from one country (or region) to another. The
analysis takes into account the information on the critical branches that
might be overloaded, and therefore the obtained solution is secure. The main
conclusion of the work is that the proper usage of PST may increase available
transfer capacities, thus allowing more energy to be transported in the
desired border direction. This procedure can be applied as an operational
tool to find the best system settings for a particular purpose.
Alternatively, it can be used for comparison of investment proposals.
Marjolein Veenstra
University of Groningen
Supervisor Iris F. A. Vis, Kees Jan Roodbergen
Title The Pickup and
Delivery Traveling Salesman Problem with Handling Costs
Abstract This
paper introduces the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with
handling costs (PDTSPH). In the PDTSPH, a single vehicle has to transport
loads from origins to destinations. Loading and unloading of the vehicle is
operated in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) fashion. However, if a load must be unloaded
that was not loaded last, additional handling operations are allowed to
unload and reload other loads that block access. Since the additional
handling operations take time and effort, penalty costs are associated with
them. The aim of the PDTSPH is to find a feasible route such that the total
costs, consisting of travel costs and penalty costs, are minimized. We show
that the PDTSPH is a generalization of the pickup and delivery traveling
salesman problem (PDTSP) and the pickup and delivery traveling salesman
problem with LIFO loading (PDTSPL). We propose a large neighborhood search
(LNS) heuristic to solve the problem. We compare our LNS heuristic against
best known solutions on 163 benchmark instances for the PDTSP and 42
benchmark instances for the PDTSPL. We provide new best known solutions on 52
instances for the PDTSP and on 14 instances for the PDTSPL, besides finding
the optimal or best known solution on 100 instances for the PDTSP and on 21
instances for the PDTSPL. The LNS finds optimal or near-optimal solutions on
instances for the PDTSPH. Results show that PDTSPH solutions provide large
reductions in handling compared to PDTSP solutions, while increasing the
travel distance by only a small percentage.
Andrej Winokurow
Maastricht University
Supervisor Alexander Grigoriev, Andre Berger
Title Location,
pricing and the problem of Apollonius
Abstract In
Euclidean plane geometry, Apollonius' problem is to construct a circle in a
plane that is tangent to three given circles. We will use a solution to this
ancient problem to solve several versions of the following geometric
optimization problem. Given is a set of customers located in the plane, each
having a demand for a product and a budget. The task is to determine location
of production facilities in the plane and one price for the product, such
that the revenue generated from those customers, for which the sum of travel
and purchase costs does not exceed their budget, is maximized.
we address the location-pricing problem with one facility and three customers
having unit demands. It is solved by using a solution to the Apollonius'
problem. Secondly, we extend the algorithm to the case with $n$ customers
having arbitrary demands and prove that it can be solved in $O(n^3)$ time.
Thirdly, we present an exact algorithm solving the location-pricing problem
with $m$ facilities in $O(n^{3m+1})$ time. Finally, we consider the
non-uniform location-pricing problem.
Chuan Ye
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Supervisor Rommert
Title Fair task
allocation in transportation
allocation problems have traditionally focused on cost optimization. However,
more and more attention is being given to cases in which cost should not
always be the sole or major consideration.
In this paper, we study a fair task allocation problem in transportation
where an optimal allocation not only has low cost but more importantly, it
distributes tasks as even as possible among heterogeneous participants who
have different capacities and costs to execute tasks. To tackle this
max-lexmin fair minimum cost allocation problem (MFMCA), we analyze and solve
it in two parts using two novel polynomial-time algorithms. We show that
despite the new fairness criterion, the proposed algorithms can solve the
MFMCA problem optimally in polynomial time.
In addition, we conduct an extensive set of experiments to investigate the
trade-off between cost minimization and fairness. Our experimental results
demonstrate the benefit of factoring fairness into task allocation. Among
majority of the test instances, fairness comes with a very small price in
terms of cost.
Sha Zhu
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Supervisor Rommert Dekker
Title Using
Maintenance Plan in Spare Part Demand Forecasting and Inventory Control
Abstract Lumpiness
in spare parts demand, sometimes can be extremely heavy, is a nightmare for
inventory managers since it increases the difficulty in demand forecasting
largely. In the situation of preventive maintenance, the lumpiness in spare
part demand is triggered by both of the lumpiness in component repairs and
the uncertainty of individual probable defective component generating spare
part demand. Since maintenance plan provides prior information about
defective component arrival, it captures the lumpiness in component repairs
and further explains the lumpiness in spare parts demand to some extent. In
this way, maintenance plan might prevent us from keeping redundant inventory
in the period when there is no component replacement and allow us to estimate
the spare part demand based on component arrivals. Therefore, we can make
good use of maintenance plan to improve spare part demand forecasting and
inventory management. It is valuable especially for critical spare parts
which are characterized as expensive, and slow-moving items with high
stockout costs and a high risk of obsolescence.
propose an estimation of spare part demand distribution and build a dynamic
model to obtain the order policy. We first propose a periodic review, lost
sale inventory model which minimizes total inventory holding, shortage
penalty and ordering cost under maintenance plan. Next, we explore the
relationship between the component repairs and the spare part demand.
Assuming the same spare part installed in the same type of component has a
constant replacement probability in each time period, we can estimate the
probability that a component repair needs a certain spare part. With the
information of component arrivals by maintenance plan, the number of spare
parts demand is then binomial distributed and we can obtain the order policy
from the inventory model. We consider two solution concepts, one with and
another without maintenance plan, in our inventory model to examine the value
of information. A case study performed on real data provided by Fokker
Service show that the total cost is reduced by 8.4% using maintenance plan.