LNMB/NGB Seminar 2012
Supply Chain Management and Humanitarian Aid
Jointly organized by the Landelijk Netwerk
Besliskunde (LNMB)
and the Nederlands Genootschap Besliskunde (NGB)
Conference Center “De Werelt”, in
Lunteren, on January 19, 2012.
The Landelijk Netwerk Mathematische Besliskunde (LNMB) and
the Nederlands Genootschap voor Besliskunde (NGB) jointly organize the
seminar "Supply Chain Management in Business and Humanitarian Aid", in
Conference Center “De Werelt” in Lunteren, on
January 19, 2012.
seminar is the 14th in a series of annual seminars, following the
successful seminars on “Operations Research &
Enterprise Resource
(1999), “Operations Research in Financial
Management” (2000),
“E-commerce &
Operations Research” (2001), “Capacity management
– How operations
models support decision makers” (2002), “New
developments in
Research software” (2003), "On-line methods: Challenges for
OR in a
real-time world" (2004), "Mathematical Models for Financial
Optimization" (2005), "Operations Research and Health Care"
(2006), "Operations Research and Public Transportation"
(2007), "Operations Research and Energy" (2008),
"Operations Research and Traffic" (2009),
"Operations Research and Health Care" (2010)
and "Operations Research in Supply Chain Management and Marketing" (2011).
language is
English. Registration is possible via the
On-line Registration Form.
The conference fee is 85 Euro for LNMB
and NGB members, and 135 Euro for others.
The conference fee
covers lunch, coffee, tea, and the drinks.
This year is organized around two themes namely Supply Chain Management and Humanitarian Aid.
Each topic delivers one or two key-note speaker, and some talks in parallel sessions with speakers from various backgrounds.
What remains is the relation between OR and practice.
Newspapers today are again filled with news on hunger in the Horn of Africa. Over 925 million people are hungry around
the world, 98% of them live in developing countries. Hunger is not the only challenge they face, sustainable access to
basic healthcare is another. Operations Research can help to better organise food distribution to the hungry, construct
the best emergency response possible and secure access to basic healthcare. We have invited prof. Kenneth Sörensen of
to Antwerp University to talk about the added value of OR in Humanitarian Aid. Also we will hear how The NorthStar
Alliance (http://www.northstar-alliance.org/) uses OR to design the basic care network in Africa. And it will be shown
how OR can be used to optimise the bio-energy supply chain in a humanitarian context.
The Supply Chain theme of the conference will touch upon various subjects. Many times supply chain optimisation has the
flow of goods as subject, prof. Tim Grant however will focus on modelling the information flow in humanitarian and
military supply chains. The lack of perfect information in practice leads to challenges which prof. Tim Grant
will illustrate using the logistics operation of the Task Force Uruzgan. Another big challenge in effectively managing
supply chains is linking the strategic and tactical plans. When these are not linked good enough Sales & Operations
planning is the missing link, Noud Gademann will introduce this concept and its practical implications. In S&OP
quality forecasts on demand are required, a subject that will be covered by Freek Aertsen from EyeOn.
09.30 - 10.00
Registration and coffee |
10.00 - 10.15
Welcome by the chairman Ad van Goor (VU)
10.15 - 11.00
Plenary session
Keynote speaker: Tim Grand (Nederlandse Defensie Academie)
Modelling information flow in military and
humanitarian supply chains
11.00 - 11.45 |
Plenary session
Keynote speaker: Robert van der Geest (Kema Sustainability)
A route planner for gas transport through the Netherlands
12.00 - 13.00 |
Lunch |
13.00 - 13.45 |
Plenary session
ORTEC Excellence in Advanced Planning Award
13.45 - 14.30
Plenary session
Keynote speaker: Kenneth Sörensen (Antwerp University)
Humanitarian Logistics: a Challenge for Operations Research
14.30 - 15.00 |
15.00- 16.30 |
sessions (invited and contributed papers)
Sessie A:
Noud Gademan (ORTEC):
Sales & Operations Planning: Concepts and Practical Implications
Freek Aertsen (EyeOn):
Sales and Operations Planning: Trends and the OR impact
Sessie B:
Harwin de Vries (North Star Alliance, ORTEC):
Building a strategic network of medical centers;
Why the African truck-driver is so glad that Operations Research exists.
Tom Plat (ORTEC):
Strategic supply chain solutions in 'green' development environments
Tezar Saputra (VU):
Scenario analysis for emergency inventory prepositioning of medical supplies
16.30 - 16.45 |
Closing |
16.45 - 17.30
Drinks |
- Abstracts and Bio's can be found on