Jean B. Lasserre: New extensions of the moment-sos approach
The first extension of the moment-sos approach for polynomial optimization, is concerned with semi-algebraic
optimization problems, i.e., optimization problems
P: min_x {f(x) : x in K}, where the objective function "f" and the defining functions of the feasible set K are
semi-algebraic functions (and no only polynomials). Then problem P is equivalent to a polynomial optimization
problem in a "lifted" space, and so under appropriate conditions, the standard hierarchy of semidefinite
relaxations can be applied with guaranteed convergence to the global optimum.
In a second part, we provide a new characterization of nonnegativity for continuous functions on closed sets.
Next, using this characterization when the feasible set K is simple enough (like e.g. R^n or R^n_+, a box,
a simplex, an ellipsoid), we can provide a monotone nonincreasing sequence of upper bounds converging to the
global minimum. Each upper bound is the optimal value of a semidefinite program with a single variable!
(a generalized eigenvalue problem).