Courses > PhD Courses
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PhD Courses

The LNMB offers a PhD program as a biennial program. Each academic year nine PhD courses are taught in three trimesters, each having a duration of 10 weeks. Within the first 9 weeks of a trimetser one lecture for each course is given; the last week can be used if a lecture has to be cancelled in the first 9 weeks.

PhD representative
The PhD students of the LNMB elect a PhD representative. This representative attends the board meetings of the LNMB and can be contacted if you have problems regarding the PhD courses or suggestions regarding other matters concerning the PhD students of the LNMB. The current PhD representative is Pieter Kleer (CWI),

PhD Courses 2016/2017

First Trimester (September 12 - November 14) Second Trimester (November 21 – December 19 and January 23 – February 20) Third Trimester (February 27 � April 10 and April 24 - May 8)

Please register as soon as possible, preferrable not later than one week before the start of the course (the deadlines mentioned below only represent the date at which the registration system no longer accepts further registrations).

If you are a new PhD student, please also fill in the Form for New PhD students

Time-Table of the PhD courses
The courses are given on Monday according to the following schedule:

Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3
11.00 - 11.45 Course MQSN Course NSP *
Course RA *
12.00 - 12.45 Course MQSN Course NSP *
Course RA *
12.45 - 13.15 Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break
13.15 - 14.00 Course NP * Course AIQT
Course AsQT
14.15 - 15.00 Course NP *
Course AlQT
Course AsQT
15.15 - 16.00 Course CAO
Course CG
Course ORG
16.15 - 17.00 Course CAO
Course CG Course ORG

* In cooperation with DIAMANT

The courses are given in the Uithof (buildings of the Utrecht University), in the Hans Freudenthalgebouw, Room 611AB, Budapestlaan, Utrecht.

The credits (including for the attendance of the course) for participants who have passed the exercises successfully are 4 EC per course. In case the courses are only attended (or when the exercises are not passed successfully), then the workload is set at 1 EC. At the end of each course the participants receive a certificate with the grade and the credits involved.

After the course every participant is asked to fill in an evaluation form which will be distributed around two weeks after the course.

PhD Courses 2015/2016

The program of the PhD courses of the year 2015/2016 can be found here.