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35th conference on


mathematics of operations research


Organized by LNMB
(Landelijk Netwerk Mathematische Besliskunde)

January 12 - 14, 2010

Conference Center "De Werelt", Lunteren, The Netherlands

Annual meeting of Dutch senior and junior researchers
in the Mathematics of Operations Research.

The program offers high-quality research and applications
and should appeal to both academic researchers
and to management consultants in trade and industry.

The conference is sponsored by the Gebiedsbestuur Exacte Wetenschappen (NWO),
the Thomas Stieltjes Institute for Mathematics and the Mathematical Research Institute (MRI).

For a special announcement (including registration form) of click here.

Program Invited Speakers Abstracts Invited Presentations
Seminar Abstracts Presentations Seminar Registration Seminar
Parallel Sessions PhD Students Abstracts Presentations PhD Students
Registration Registered Participants How to get there Conference Secretariat



Eight invited lectures
Dimitris Bertsimas (MIT, Cambridge, USA) On the power of robust solutions in two-stage stochastic and adaptive optimization problems
Dimitris Bertsimas (MIT, Cambridge, USA) On the power and limitations of affine policies in two-stage adaptive optimization
Jose Blanchet (Columbia University, New York, USA) Efficient rare-event simulation I: Basic concepts and techniques
Jose Blanchet (Columbia University, New York, USA) Efficient rare-event simulation II: State-dependent techniques
Anton Kleywegt (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA) A model of price bubbles and business cycles
Anton Kleywegt (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA) Models of learning in various games
Andrea Lodi (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy) Computational mixed integer programming: A survey
Andrea Lodi (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy) Computational mixed integer programming: Selected fashionable topics

Presentations by PhD students
(Tuesday 14.00 - 15.30 and Wednesday 14.30 - 15.30)
For each contributed paper by a PhD student a senior member of the society will act as discussant.
The following PhD students of the LNMB will present a paper at the meeting:
Matthijs Bomhoff (UT) Space-efficient recognition of perfect elimination bipartite graphs
Cagdas Buyukkaramakli (TU/e) Periodic capacity management under a lead-time performance constraint
Serra Caner (RUG) Competition in remanufacturing
Twan Dollevoet (EUR) Delay management with passenger re-routing
Murat Firat (TU/e} Detecting, measuring and repairing instabilties in schedules of tasks with skill requirements
Olla Gabali (TU/e) Analysis of travel times and CO2 emissions in time-dependent vehicle routing
Alwin Haensel (VU) Estimating unconstrained demand rate functions using customer choice sets
Jelke van Hoorn (VU) Exponentially better than brute force: solving the job-shop problem by dynamic programming
Willem van Jaarsveld (EUR) Optimization of demand rationing for inventory control with multiple demand classes
Michiel Jansen (TU/e) The effect of workload constraints in periodic order release models
Oner Kilic (RUG) A simple heuristic for non-stationary (s,S) policies
John Kleppe (UvT) Per capita nucleolus
Kamil Kosinski (EURANDOM) Polling models with Levy input
Dmitry Krushinsky (RUG) An efficient model for multiobjective cell formation in group technology
Romeo Langestraat (UvT) Introducing CO2 allowances: Higher prices for all consumers, higher revenues for who?
Edwin Lohmann (UvT) Preparation sequencing situation
Sebastian Marban (UM) Dynamic pricing problems with elastic demand
Ineke Meuffels (UvT) Enriching the tactical network design of express service carrriers with fleet scheduling characteristic
Paulien Out (VU) Optimal outpatient scheduling with emergency arrivals
Morteza Pourakbar (EUR) End-of-life inventory decisions for consumer electronics service parts
Mathijn Retel Helmrich (EUR) Efficient reformulations of the economic lot-sizing problem with remanufacturing
Cyriel Rutten (UM) Local search performance guatantees for restricted related parallel machine scheduling
Remy Spliet (EUR) Robust optimization in distribution networks: The vehicle rescheduling problem
Natalya Usotskaya (UM) The time-optimal helicopter path is a circle segment
Peter Vanberkel (UT) An exact approach for relating recovering surgical patient workload to the master surgical schedule
Luuk Veelenturf (EUR) Railway crew rescheduling with retiming
Sandra van Wijk (TU/e) Optimal lateral transshipment policy for a two location inventory problem
Maaike Zonderland (UT) Planning and scheduling of semi-urgent surgeries

Special Session in memory of Jaap Wessels and Gijs de Leve (Tuesday afternoon; in Dutch) 
Spreker over Jaap Wessels: Jan van der Wal
Sprekers over Gijs de Leve: Henk Tijms en Jan Karel Lenstra

Special Session on the occasion of the retirement of Lodewijk Kallenberg, director LNMB (Wednesday afternoon; in Dutch)
Verleden, heden en toekomst van het PhD-onderwijs
Chairman:  Rommert Dekker (EUR)
Babs van den Bergh (OCW) Promoveren in een kenniseconomie - gedachten vanuit het ministerie
Patrick Groenen (ERIM, EUR) Het stimuleren en uitdagen van aio's in bedrijfkundig onderzoek
Geert-Jan van Houtum (Beta, TU/e) Beta's rol in  toekomstige PhD programma's
Lodewijk Kallenberg (LNMB) Mijn ervaringen met het LNMB-onderwijs: lessen voor de toekomst?

Seminar "Operations Research in Health Care" (Thursday)
On the last day of the conference, Thursday January 14 there is a one-day special seminar on  Operations Research in Health Care, organized in cooperation with the "Nederlands Genootschap voor Besliskunde" (NGB). For a special announcement (including registration form) of click here.

  Jacob Wijngaard (University of Groningen)
Keynote speakers:
Thierry Chaussalet ( University of Westminster, London, UK) Applications of Operational Research in healthcare: challenges and opportunities
Armand Girbes (VU University Amsterdam) Practical issues in patients logistics in the intensive care
Other speakers:
Sandjai Bhulai (VU University Amsterdam) Personnel planning for care-at-home service facilities
Rienk Bijlsma (System Navigator/Hospital Navigator, Delft) Balancing between capacity and care
Aleida Braaksma (Amsterdam Medical Center) Integral multidisciplinary rehabilitation treatment planning
Nico Dellaert (Eindhoven University of Technology) Improving operational effectiveness of tactical master plans for emergency and elective patients under stochastic demand and capacitated resources
Peer Goudswaard (University Medical Center Groningen) Lean Six Sigma; a tool for applied operations research at the University Medical Center Groningen
Han Hoogeveen (Utrecht University) Personalized rosters for employees in a 24/7 environment at UMC
Peter Hulshof (University of Twente) Redesigning Ambulatory Care with a Doctor-travels-to-Patient Policy
Nikky Kortbeek (University of Twente) Organizing Outpatient Clinics: Exploring the Viability of Walk-in Based Policies
Paulien Out (VU University Amsterdam & CC Zorgadviseurs) Optimal outpatient scheduling with emergency arrivals
Anja Stunnenberg (Rijnland Hospital) Reorganizing and resizing clinical wards
Peter Vanberkel (University of Twente) An exact approach for relating recovering surgical patient workload to the master surgical schedule
Egbert van der Veen (ORTEC, Gouda) On Capacity Planning in Health Care
Liesbeth Vinke (Plexus) Practical tools for optimizing bed allocation in hospitals
Jan Vissers (Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam) A European perspective on OR in Healthcare
Maartje Zonderland (University of Twente & Leiden University Medical Center) Planning and scheduling of semi-urgent surgeries

The conference is organized by: