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34th conference on


mathematics of operations research


Organized by LNMB
(Landelijk Netwerk Mathematische Besliskunde)

January 13 - 15, 2009

Conference Center "De Werelt", Lunteren, The Netherlands

Annual meeting of Dutch senior and junior researchers
in the Mathematics of Operations Research.

The program offers high-quality research and applications
and should appeal to both academic researchers
and to management consultants in trade and industry.

The conference is sponsored by the Gebiedsbestuur Exacte Wetenschappen (NWO),
the Thomas Stieltjes Institute for Mathematics and the Mathematical Research Institute (MRI).

For a special announcement (including registration form) of click here.

Program Invited Speakers Abstracts Invited Presentations
Seminar Abstracts Presentations Seminar Registration Seminar
Parallel Sessions PhD Students Abstracts Presentations PhD Students
Registration Registered Participants How to get there Conference Secretariat



Ten invited lectures
Satoru Iwata (University of Kyoto, Japan) Minimizing submodular functions
Satoru Iwata (University of Kyoto, Japan) Approximating submodular functions
Zhi-Quan Luo (University of Minnesota, USA) A semidefinite relaxation scheme for multivariate quartic polynomial optimization with quadratic constraints
Zhi-Quan Luo (University of Minnesota, USA) Optimal spectrum management: complexity, duality and approximation
Sean Meyn (University of Illinois, USA) Stability and asymptotic optimality of generalized MaxWeight policies
Sean Meyn (University of Illinois, USA) Temporal difference learning
Gennady Samorodnitsky (Cornell University, USA) A bird-eye view of fluid queues in communication network models: heavy tails and long memory, part I
Gennady Samorodnitsky (Cornell University, USA) A bird-eye view of fluid queues in communication network models: heavy tails and long memory, part II
Berthold Vöcking (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) On the impact of combinatorial structure on congestion games
Berthold Vöcking (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) Scheduling with interference constraints in wireless networks

Presentations by PhD students
(Tuesday 14.00 - 15.00 and Wednesday 14.30 - 16.00)
For each contributed paper by a PhD student a senior member of the society will act as discussant.
The following PhD students of the LNMB will present a paper at the meeting:
Asadi, Alireza (TUD) A large-update infeasible interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on logarithmic barrier function
Bijvank, Marco (VU) Inventory systems with periodic reviews and lost sales
Bomhoff, Matthijs (UT) Network structure optimization: A case study on baggage handling systems
Boulaksil, Youssef (TU/e) A multi-period stochastic inventory model with capacity reservation
Bruin, Josine (EURANDOM) A dynamic control strategy for multi-item production systems
Dimitrova, Desislava (UT) Flow level performance evaluation of UMTS-EUL scheduling schemes
Dobre, Cristian (UvT) Reduction of symmetric semidefinite programs using the regular *-representation and canonical block diagonalization
Eggermont, Christian (TU/e) Fixing a broken schedule
Firat, Murat (TU/e) Scheduling tasks with skill constraints
Gu, Guoyong (TUD) Full Nesterov-Todd step interior-point methods for symmetric optimization
Kaynar, Bahar (VU) Markovian systems via cross entropy: patching algorithms
Kok, Leendert (UT) Restricted dynamic programming: a flexible framework for solving realistic VRPs
Krushinsky, Dmitry (RUG) Experimental study on cellular automata models of pedestrian traffic
Marchal, Bert (UM) Finding good tree decompositions using local search
Potthoff, Daniel (EUR) An algorithm for railway crew rescheduling
Silalabi, Bib Paruhum (TUD) On pathological central paths in the Klee-Minty cube
Talla Nobibon, Fabrice (KU Leuven) Heuristics for deciding collectively rational consumption behavior
Verhoef, Cretien (CWI) Performance analysis of coordination systems using Reo
Yang, Ran (VU & CWI) Optimal resource allocation for time reservation systems
Zangiabadi, Maryam (TUD) Full Nesterov-Todd step primal-dual interior-point methods for second-order cone optimization

Seminar "Operations Research and Traffic"
On the last day of the conference, Thursday January 15 there is a one-day special seminar on  Operations Research and Traffic, organized in cooperation with the "Nederlands Genootschap voor Besliskunde" (NGB). For a special announcement (including registration form) of click here.

  Jo van Nunen (Rotterdam School of Management, director Transumo)

Henk Taale (Rijkswaterstaat) Integrated anticipatory control of road networks
Luc Wismans (Goudappel Coffeng) Multi-objective optimization of traffic systems
Joris van de Klundert (UM/Mateum) Quality of service in infrastructure usage
Marco Duijnisveld (TNO) European traffic forecasts: Iron Rhine
Taede Tillema (RUG) Road pricing: analyzing short and long-term behavioural decisions
Kevin Pak (ORTEC) Revenue management techniques for road pricing
Elleke Janssen (UvT) Visitor flows in zoos and amusements parks: a case study in Apenheul