Conferences > From 2000
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(Mini-course: Wednesday 12.00-12.45, Thursday 11.00-11.45, Thursday 12.00-12.45)

David Karger (A.B. Summa cum laude in Computer Science, 1989, Harvard University, Ph.D., 1994, in Computer Science, Stanford University) is a Harold E. Edgerton Associate Professor of Computer Science and a member of the Laboratory for Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research interests include algorithms and information retrieval.
Professor Karger's work in algorithms has focused on applications of randomization to network optimization problems. His dissertation on the topic was awarded the ACM 1994 Doctoral Dissertation Award and the 1997 Tucker Prize. He has published more than 30 technical articles and two book chapters and has served on program committees for the Symposium on Discrete Algorithms and the Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science. He recently participated in the founding of Akamai technologies, a company that grew out of a research project he co-led.
Professor Karger's work on information retrieval includes the co-development of the Scatter/Gather information retrieval system at Xerox PARC, which suggested several novel approaches for efficiently retrieving information from massive corpora and presenting it effectively to users. He has received two patents related to his work on this project.

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MIT, Laboratory for Computer Science
Room NE43-322
545 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139


Randomized Algorithms for Cut and Flow Problems I, II & III
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Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research
University of California at Berkeley
4187 Etcheverry Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-1777

Some Non-Stochastic Applications of Probability I, II & III
(Mini-course: Tuesday 11.00-11.45, Wednesday 11.00-11.45, Thursday 15.15-16.00)

Sheldon M. Ross is a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California at Berkeley. He received his Ph.D in statistics at Stanford University in 1968 and has been at Berkeley ever since. He has published nearly 100 technical articles and a variety of textbooks in the areas of applied probability and statistics. He is the founding and continuing editor of the journal Probability in the Engineering and Informational Scienes published by Cambridge University Press. In addition, a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and a recipient of the Humboldt US Senior Scientist award.

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Systems & Industrial Engineering Department
University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210020
Tucson, AZ 85721-0020


Stochastic Programming: Applications, Properties, and Computational Challenges I, II & III
(Mini-course: Tuesday 17.15-18.00, Thursday 9.00-9.45, Thursday 10.00-10.45)

Suvrajeet Sen is Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering at the University of Arizona. He has been with the University since 1982, the year he graduated from Virginia Tech with a Ph.D. in Operations Research. Professor Sen has been involved in both undergraduate and graduate teaching, as well as research and professional service. One of the highlights of his involvement with undergraduate programs is his participation in the ELITE program. This program is targeted at talent undergraduate students who wish to combine a liberal arts orientation within an engineering curriculum. Professor Sen's research is devoted to the theory and applications of large scale optimization algorithms, especially those arising in stochastic programming. He has also applied these methods to practical problems arising in airlines, electric power, mining, telecommunications and transportation. He has authored or coauthored over fifty publications, many of which have appeared in journals like JOTA, Mathematical Programming, Mathematics of Operations Research, Management Science and Operations Research. He has also coauthored a research monograph on Stochastic Decomposition. His research has been funded by federal agencies as well as industry. He has been an invited lecturer at numerous universities, both in the United States and overseas. Professor Sen serves on the editorial board of several journals, the most prominent of which is his service as the Optimization Editor for Operations Research. He is also an Associate Editor for INFORMS Journal on Computing and Telecommunications Systems. He has served as guest editor for Interfaces and Annals of Operations Research. Professor Sen is the past-Chair of the INFORMS Telecommunications Section and also founded the INFORMS Optimization Section.

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Department of Operations Research & Financial Engineering
Princeton University
ACE-42 Engineering Quad
Princeton, NJ 08544


Interior-Point Methods for Nonlinear Programming
(Wednesday 11.00-11.45)
Interior-Point Methods for Second-Order Cone Programming and Semidefinite Programming
(Thursday 16.15-17.00)

Robert J. Vanderbei received a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Cornell University in 1981. His current research interests are interior-point methods for nonlinear programming and for semidefinite programming, and application of optimization techniques to problems arising in engineering. He is associate editor for INFORMS Journal on Computing, and author of the book "Linear Programming, Foundations and Extensions" (Kluwer, 1997).

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Statistical Laboratory
University of Cambridge
16 Mill Lane
Cambridge CB2 1 SB

Pricing Communication Services I & II
(Tuesday 16.15-17.00, Wednesday 14.00-15.00)

Richard Weber has been a student and faculty member at the University of Cambridge since 1971. For fifteen years he taught in the Management Group of the Department of Engineering. For the past five years has been Churchill Professor of Mathematics for Operational Research in the Department of Mathematics. His research interests include communications, operations management, control of queues, stochastic networks, on-line bin-packing and scheduling, optimal search, stochastic scheduling, dynamic resource allocation, and pricing communications services.

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L'Universite Catholique de Louvain
34 Voie du Roman Pays
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

Cutting Planes for Integer and Mixed Integer Programming
(Tuesday 12.00-12.45)
Modelling Practical Lot-Sizing Problems as Mixed Integer Programs
(Wednesday 10.00-10.45)

Laurence Wolsey works at CORE (Center for Operations Research and Econometrics) and is professor of applied mathematics and operations research in the Engineering School of l'Universite Catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. His main field of research is mixed integer programming, including theory, the development of branch-and-cut systems, and applications in network design and in production planning and scheduling. He is author of a recent textbook "Integer Programming" (Wiley, 1998), as well as joint author with George Nemhauser of "Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization" (Wiley, 1988). He has worked closely with groups at BASF (production planning), France Telecom (multiplexer assignment)and DASH (commercial mixed integer programming systems) among others. He has received the Orchard-Hays prize in 1988 from the Mathematical Programming Society (with T.J. Van Roy), the Lanchester Prize in 1989 from the Operations Research Society of America (with G.L. Nemhauser), and the EURO Gold Medal in 1994. He has just been appointed editor-in-chief of the Mathematical Programming journal.

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